MITOS is Featured on TeknoTalk: Groundbreaking Breast Cancer Detection Device



MITOS is Featured on TeknoTalk: Groundbreaking Breast Cancer Detection Device

We are very excited to share that we recently had a great conversation with TeknoTalk, and they have featured our groundbreaking microwave breast cancer imaging device on their platform. This recognition underscores the significance of our device in revolutionizing early cancer detection methods.You can read the full article on TeknoTalk here.

The news article highlights the world's first Microwave Breast Tomography Device (MMT) developed by Istanbul Technical University (ITU) under the leadership of Prof. Dr. İbrahim Akduman. This device is a testament to our commitment to advancing breast cancer detection technology and revolutionizing the way we approach early diagnosis.

ITU's Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering has been at the forefront of cancer research, producing six high-tech cancer diagnosis and treatment devices in just seven years. These devices, including the MMT, have been instrumental in the early detection and diagnosis of various cancer types, offering hope to patients and healthcare professionals.

Dr. Güray Ali Canlı, an ITU faculty member involved in the project, highlighted the significance of the MMT in breast cancer prevention, stating that it can detect tumors as small as 3 mm, allowing for early diagnosis and more effective treatment.

MITOS is dedicated to furthering research in breast cancer detection and diagnosis. Our collaboration with ITU demonstrates our commitment to developing innovative solutions that contribute to the advancement of healthcare. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to drive progress in breast cancer detection technology.